A sewing friend and I teamed up to try out free patterns together. Her name is Diana and she has a fabulous YouTube Channel. And …

A sewing friend and I teamed up to try out free patterns together. Her name is Diana and she has a fabulous YouTube Channel. And …
Mash Mash time! Nope, I’m not talking about that fun game you play in elementary school to predict your future material wealth! This is a …
Perhaps you are used to my smiling face! Me too! But I will say, this was a fun set of sewing patterns to sew and …
The George and Ginger Romy Set! This is a fun pattern set, it’s really like 4 patterns in one! There are 2 separate tops and a …
I’m super excited to share my newest makes from the George and Ginger Fall Collection. There are three patterns in the collection – The Campfire …
I just love that George and Ginger puts out these unique patterns that are so fun. Have you ever seen a pattern like this? This …
If you have seen this particular pattern before, you might realize that it looks different than intended. It’s hacked! If you haven’t seen the Runway …
The George and Ginger SoTa. What a unique pattern! This is one of those patterns that is perfect if you like to coordinate fabrics or …
Every year George and Ginger releases a pattern to fund raise and use the proceeds to donate to a good cause. This year the pattern …
George and Ginger has been updating all the patterns to expand the sizing and update the bodices to the newest changes. The pattern now includes …